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>> CHILDREN: Premier League Primary Stars!
>> CHILD 1: This is called Navigation.
>> CHILD 2: And we've been learning to control.
>> CHILD 3: Bean bags and balls.
>> CHILD 4: And it's really fun.
>> COACH: This skill development activity encourages pupils to explore bean bag and ball control using their hands and feet at different speeds around an activity area. Pupils will learn to demonstrate control of a piece of equipment whilst travelling, work with a partner to improve ball skills and control.
You will need bean bags and balls. This activity is called navigation. So if you're a tree, you can't move, you are static. What you have to do is try and move the ball or the bean bag around the area, either going around the tree, and then through the tunnel, through the legs or into the hole which could be through the arms, all right? Get a ball.
>> CHILD 5 + COACH: - Yes. - And get a ball.
>> COACH: Off you go. Can you go around the tree?
>> COACH: Through the tunnel.
>> COACH: Change with another tree and into the hole. Guys, there's some trees up here as well. And then collect it the other side. Well done. Making a little bit more difficult is if you go slowly when you're going through the tree's legs and then go really fast when you come out. Go.
>> COACH: Try and have a look where you're dribbling.
>> COACH: To help you keep the bean bags and the balls really close, what could you do?
>> CHILD 6: Go a bit slower.
>> CHILD 7: The thing that was easier was kicking.
>> COACH: Pupils have really enjoyed it, which is the first and foremost, but also they understand the different speeds, moving in different directions, and also understanding how to control a ball or move the ball around the area confidently and without losing control.
>> CHILDREN: - Be... - Inspiring.
- Be... - Ambitious.
- Be... - Connected.
- Be... - Fair.