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>> MARK:    Hydration means that

the players and everybody in general,

needs to drink enough fluids,

so that the fluid circulates

throughout their body

and keeps them feeling well

and enables them to do everything

they need to do on a daily basis.

So, it generally relates to

how much water

and other fluids

that you drink each day

to make sure that

your body flushes out

everything that it needs to.

Water is a significant amount:

it makes up

an awful lot of your body,

and you're continually eliminating it

from sweating and being,

so you have to replace that,

to make sure that

you have enough water in your body

so that you can think properly,

you can breathe properly,

and your heart can beat properly.


>> TOM:     When you're drinking,

you know that

you're putting fluid

through your body,

keeping yourself healthy,

and you're staying hydrated,

which is the main thing.

Just making sure that

you're always 100% feeling good.




>> TYREKE:  As a professional football player,

you lose a lot of water

when you're training

and doing a lot of exercise,

so it's important you get the water

back into your system

to help you give you fuel

for the game.

If you don't have

this water in your body,

the concentration during training

can be lost.

It's really important

to keep you hydrated because

it keeps you feeling well,

it enables you do to

everything that you need to do

to have a successful day,

and it keeps you concentrating

and feeling active.




>> ALFIE:   So to ensure

I stay hydrated,

I drink plenty of water

throughout the day,

after training, during training...

I normally try to have,

when I wake up,

have a bottle of water

in the mornings before breakfast,

and during breakfast,

I try to have a bottle, as well.


>> TOM:     I always make sure

I have a bottle of water with me.

So whenever that's empty,

I make sure I get a new one

because drinking throughout the day

is essential, really,

to keep myself focussed

on whatever I'm going to be doing.


>> MARK:    The difference between

drinking water and other drinks,

are that water is very simple,

water is what you're trying

to put into your body

so it's absorbed very, very quickly

and goes to where it should go

very quickly.

And another thing is,

it's eliminated very quickly as well.

There are other things

that you can drink

which can be very good for you,

for instance,

milk is very good for you,

it's got a lot of protein in,

does a lot of good things.

Whereas if you drink fizzy drinks,

things like that,

that can have lots of other effects

that you don't want.

So it's important to make sure

you drink the right things.




>> ALEK:    Food keeps us hydrated

because there are many fruits

and vegetables

that actually have water in them.

So if you think about

lettuce, oranges,

those types of foods

that actually have

a lot of liquid in them,

which means we can stay hydrated

through eating as well as drinking.


>> STEWART: The food that

we serve here at Southampton

is of a wide variety,

catered to keeping

the players hydrated

and the types of food

that we're talking in this area

is lettuce, watermelon,

anything that's going to

put those nutrients

back into their body.


>> MARK:    In terms of emotional


and how hydration makes you feel,

you can feel...

Your mood might not be as good

if you're dehydrated

so it can be linked to

people feeling unhappy,

not as lively as normal,

and not being able

to concentrate as well.

So in terms of doing well at school,

and concentrating on everything

that you need to do,

it's very important

to remain well hydrated.