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>> MARK :  My name is Mark Orlovac.

And I'm an online journalist for




I am part of a team that look after the Premier League website.

We write stories, we process photo galleries,

and we commission videos.

When I was younger,

I did read a lot and I also wrote a lot.

I kind of liked, I like stories, I like storytelling,

and I love sport.

So after university,

I got a job at a local newspaper as a trainee journalist

and I learned on the job, really.

In the morning, we will have a chat between us all

about what the plan is for today

and who is doing what,

who we've spoken to in an event recently,

who will be writing that up,

who's gonna be covering a certain match,

a certain reaction from a certain match,

and then we'll be heads down and we'll start to write it.

We then pass that on to another member of the team,

so we then chat about together

about whether that story is okay, whether the headline's okay.

They might have an idea

about how something could be done better.

And then we'll decided

when in the day we're gonna publish it.

So it could be, "Actually, no, we'll save that

for a bit later on,"

or it might be a breaking news story.

And then, we'll send the link off to our social media partners

who then will put that on Twitter and Facebook.

One of the main parts of working in a team

is talking to each other.

And that's how we kind of we work together,

we get ideas, we bounce off each other,

and we try to create the best stories that we can.

When we write story,

we have to be concise in what we write,

we can't kind of... we have to keep someone interested

and focused on the story,

so the stories aren't massively long now.

So every word we use is vital.

So language is active,

you know, we use words,

you know, if someone's running in midfield,

we'll say it's a driving run

rather than just someone running,

you know, so it just,

it paints a picture in someone's mind.

We're always learning as journalists.

And we pick up things about how someone has written,

"Oh, that's a nice way of writing,

maybe we could use that for when we write something."

We're always learning.

And we're always thinking about how we can do better,

so reading is a massive part of what we do as well.

Well, language is everything to someone who works on a website.

It's in everything we do.